Wind Force

4  -  15 /15


Wind Force

4  -  15 /15

Hot Ones Pack

Season 26

Hot Ones Season 26 is here!

You might know the YouTube show Hot Ones, hosted by the incomparable Sean Evans, who interviews celebrities like Gordon Ramsay, Billie Eilish, Will Smith, and many others. The show's concept is that the chicken wings get progressively hotter as the celebrity guests talk their way through the increasing heat levels.

Each season features 10 different hot sauces in escalating levels of heat. These hot sauces are available in a beautiful box that you can purchase from Chili Klaus. In other words, you can serve hot sauces to your friends and acquaintances that they have likely never tasted before by taking on the so-called Hot Ones challenge.

The common thread among the 10 hot sauces is that they are made by some of the most professional hot sauce producers in the USA, so in terms of taste and heat, you won't find anything like them.

Read much more about the individual hot sauces in the product description.

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SKU: 38199

Product information


Hot Ones Pack


Senõr Lechuga - 0.006

- 1,200 SHU Scoville Heat UnitsHeat: 1 / 10Ingredients: Garlic, Avocado Oil, Vinegar, Lemon Juice, Habanero Peppers, SaltSize: 5 oz


Hvidløg, avocado olie, eddike, citronsaft, Habanero chilier

- Energi: 0 kj (0 kcal)
- kulhydrat: 0 g
- heraf sukkerarter 0 g
- protein: 0 g
- fedt: 0 g
- heraf mættet: 0 g
- kostfibre: 0 g
- salt: 0,6 g

Karma Sauce - Lift off

5,600 SHU Scoville Heat UnitsHeat: 2 / 10Ingredients: Green Chiles, Vinegar (Infused with Galangal, Lemongrass and Kaffir Lime Leaf), Lime Juice, Coconut Water, Coconut Sugar, Garlic, Salt, Toasted Onion, Green Chile Flake, Thai Basil, Culantro, SpicesSize: 5 oz


Grønne chilier, eddike (infused med ingefær, citrongræs og Kaffir lime blade), lime saft, kokosvand, kokossukker, hvidløg, salt, ristede løg, grønne chili flager, Thai basilikum, koriander.

- Energi: 0 kj (0 kcal)
- kulhydrat: 0 g
- heraf sukkerarter 0 g
- protein: 0 g
- fedt: 0 g
- heraf mættet: 0 g
- kostfibre: 0 g
- salt: 0,6 g

Hot Ones - Pickled Garlic Sriracha

18,000 SHU Scoville Heat UnitsHeat: 3 / 10Ingredients: Jalapeño Pepper Mash (Jalapeno Peppers, Salt, Vinegar), Distilled Vinegar, Pure Cane Sugar, Key Lime Juice From Concentrate, Garlic, pilerodspulver, Water, Salt, DillSize: 5 oz


Jalapeño chili mash (Jalapeno chili, salt, eddike), distilleret edikke, rørsukker, lime saft fra koncentrat, hvidløg, pilerodspulver, vand, salt

- Energi: 0 kj (0 kcal)
- kulhydrat: 0 g
- heraf sukkerarter 0 g
- protein: 0 g
- fedt: 0 g
- heraf mættet: 0 g
- kostfibre: 0 g
- salt: 0,6 g


Savir Foods - Elotes Loco Fire Edition

 - 26,500 SHU Scoville Heat UnitsHeat: 4 / 10Ingredients: Vinegar , Kosher Salt , Avocado Oil , Nutritional Yeast, Sweet Corn, Chile de Arbol , Ghost Pepper, Cilantro, Garlic, Onions, SpicesSize: 5 oz


Eddike, salt, avocado olie, gær, majs, Chili de Árbol, Chili Ghost, koriander, hvidløg, løg

- Energi: 0 kj (0 kcal)
- kulhydrat: 0 g
- heraf sukkerarter 0 g
- protein: 0 g
- fedt: 0 g
- heraf mættet: 0 g
- kostfibre: 0 g
- salt: 0,6 g


Hot Ones - Los Calientes Rojo

Den er lavet på æblerøgede, røde Jalapeños og Habaneros tilsat abrikos, citrus, tomat og hvidløg. En unik sammensætning af urter og syrlig abrikos giver saucen sin karakteristiske smag med øget nuance af spændende krydderier som spidskommen og koriander. Denne Hot Sauce helt sikkert bliver din nye go-to.

Prøv den på alt!


chili (røget rød jalapeño, habanero), abrikos (tilsat askorbinsyre), æblecidereddike, agave nektar, citronsaft, tomatillo, vand, hvidløg, salt, ristet løg, spidskommen, koriander, mandstro, sort peber, timian, selleri frø

- Energi: 0 kj (0 kcal)
- kulhydrat: 20 g
- heraf sukkerarter 20 g
- protein: 0 g
- fedt: 0 g
- heraf mættet: 0 g
- kostfibre: 0 g
- salt: 1 g

Piko Peppers - Volkano

- 76,000 SHU Scoville Heat UnitsHeat: 6 / 10Ingredients: Distilled vinegar, roasted onions, red bell peppers, Habanero mash (Habanero peppers, salt), roasted Habanero peppers, lemon juice, water, garlic, cane sugar, sea salt, ground Habanero peppersSize: 5 oz


Destilleret eddike, ristet løg, røde chilier, chili habanero-mash (chili habanero, salt), ristede chili, habanero, citronsaft, vand, hvidløg, rørsukker, havsalt, chili habanero pulver

- Energi: 0 kj (0 kcal)
- kulhydrat: 0 g
- heraf sukkerarter 0 g
- protein: 0 g
- fedt: 0 g
- heraf mættet: 0 g
- kostfibre: 0 g
- salt: 0,6 g


Butterfly Bakery - Hot House Hot Sauce

131,000 SHU Scoville Heat UnitsHeat: 7 / 10Ingredients: Chili peppers (serranos, habaneros, reapers, ghosts, carmens), distilled vinegar, tomatoes, water, cilantro, salt, olive oil, lemon juice concentrate, dill, black pepperSize: 5oz


Chilier (serrano, habanero, reaper, ghost, carmen), destilleret eddike, tomater, vand, koriander, salt, olivenolie, citronsaft koncentrat, dild, sort peber

- Energi: 0 kj (0 kcal)
- kulhydrat: 0 g
- heraf sukkerarter 0 g
- protein: 0 g
- fedt: 0 g
- heraf mættet: 0 g
- kostfibre: 0 g
- salt: 0,6 g

Da Bomb - Evolution Hot Sauce

På dette tidspunkt er al supplerende ilt væk, du er delirisk og slået af elementerne, men der er intet andet at gøre end at ride på adrenalinen. Sæt den ene fod foran den anden, og tænk på noget rart.


Røde stærke chilier, vand, eddike, salt, krydderier (inklusiv paprika og gurkemeje), hakket hvidløg, rørsukker, hvidløgspulver, ekstra jomfru olivenolie, løgpulver, citronsaftkoncentrat, koriander, mynte.

- Energi: 419 kj (100 kcal)
- kulhydrat: 20 g
- heraf sukkerarter <20 g
- protein: 0 g
- fedt: 0 g
- heraf mættet: 0 g
- kostfibre: 0 g
- salt: 1,7 g

Queen Majesty - Sicilian Scorpion

816,000 SHU Scoville Heat UnitsHeat: 9 / 10Ingredients: White Vinegar, Scorpion Peppers, Tomato Puree, Lemon Juice, Olive Oil, Garlic, Peppercorn, Kosher Salt, Toasted Onion, Oregano & BasilSize: 5 oz

Hvidvinseddike, chili (skorpion), tomatpuré, citronsaft, olivenolie, hvidløg, peberkorn, flage salt, ristet løg, oregano, basilikum

- Energi: 0 kj (0 kcal)
- kulhydrat: 0 g
- heraf sukkerarter 0 g
- protein: 0 g
- fedt: 0 g
- heraf mættet: 0 g
- kostfibre: 0 g
- salt: 0,6 g

Hot Ones The Last Dab Xperience Hot Sauce

Lavet med verdens stærkeste chili, Pepper X. Smokin' Ed har udarbejdet en mutantchili, og over 91% Pepper X findes i denne helt exceptionelle hot sauce.


Pepper X-chili, destilleret eddike, Pepper X-chilipulver, Pepper X-chilidestillat.

- Energi: 0 kj (0 kcal)
- kulhydrat: 0 g
- heraf sukkerarter 0 g
- protein: 0 g
- fedt: 0 g
- heraf mættet: 0 g
- kostfibre: 0 g
- salt: 0 g


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    Wind Force Scale

    Scoville units: 1.400.000 - 2.200.000

    Anything can happen. Stay away from high places, where you might consider throwing yourself from. Remember, you are loved 🔥❤️

    Chili: Carolina Reaper, Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend

    Scoville units: 855.000 - 1.047.000

    If you’ve never given birth, here’s your chance!

    Chili: Infinity, Naga Raja Mirch, Douglah

    Scoville units: 425.000 - 577.000

    A facemelter! Your face will melt and the flavour must be enjoyed prior to being hit by a German steam engine

    Chili: Naga Viper, Jay’s Peach Ghost Scorpion, Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

    Scoville units: 350.000 - 577.000

    Only for connoisseurs! The flavour is fantastic, but the rent is due – barbed wire in your mouth

    Chili: Naga Morich, Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow, 7 Pod Yellow

    Scoville units: 125.000 - 375.000

    If you’re a newbie, you’re lost! Your ears are on maximum sensitivity and a bonfire is raging in your throat

    Chili: Habalokia Chocolate, Bhut Jolokia, Black Naga

    Scoville units: 100.000 - 350.000

    Enjoy it as long as possible. A French electrical train is about to take you on a super-ride

    Chili: Fatali, Red Savina, Nagabon, Chocolate Scotch Bonnet

    Scoville units: 100.000 - 350.000

    Now you really feel the flavour, just before a freight train delivers the capsaicin straight to your ears

    Chili: Habanero Caribbean, Naranja, Habanero Mustard

    Scoville units: 50.000 - 100.000

    Significant heat, which really kicks up the flavour. Now you start to experience what chili can do

    Chili: Snow White, Habanero Hot Lemon, Lemon Drop

    Scoville units: 30.000 - 50.000

    Striking heat, which creates more pleasure

    Chili: Blondie, Charleston Hot, De Arbol, Sugar Rush, Tabasco, Teapot Red

    Scoville units: 10.000 - 23.000

    Often a lot of flavour, the chili starts to kick a bit

    Chili: Monkey Face, Aji Amarillo,
 Peter Penis

    Scoville units: 5.000 - 10.000

    A moderate heat combined with the well-known chili flavour

    Chili: Rompedor, Manzano Rocoto, Jalapeño, Hungarian Wax

    Scoville units: 2.500 - 8.000

    A bit more heat, but in a charming way

    Chili: Cherry Bomb, Golden Cayenne, Serrano

    Scoville units: 1.000 - 1.500

    The full flavour of chili without much heat

    Chili: Sweet Habanero, Peppa Dew

    Scoville units: 500 - 2.500

    The full flavour of chili with very little heat

    Chili: Habanero Dulce, Aji Dulce, Pimento

    Scoville units: 100 - 500

    You still feel nothing

    Chili: Fooled You Bell Pepper